Last update on 10/01/2023 22:25 0 864
Since it forms the basis of computers AI is important. Based on AI, computers have the ability to process huge amounts of data and use their learned intelligence to make optimal discoveries at the best time. This technology is much older than we might imagine. AI enables machines to adapt to new inputs and perform human-like tasks. Let's take a look at the evolution of this stunning technology:
By 2016, the market for hardware and software products related to AI reached more than 8 billion dollars.
First, let's understand what AI is and what is it's situation nowadays. We can define artificial intelligence as: the ability of computer-controlled machines or robots to perform intelligence-related tasks. Artificial intelligence technology used to seem like something out of science fiction, but now, from smartphones to search engine algorithms, artificial intelligence is present in our daily lives. We unknowingly or consciously use artificial intelligence in our lives. The development and evolution of this technology is happening at a very fast pace, but it is not as simple and easy as it seems, it has taken several years of effort and perseverance and the participation of different people to use the artificial intelligence that is currently at this stage.
Artificial intelligence will be the final version of Google. The ultimate search engine that understands everything on the web, it understands exactly what you want. We are not close to doing it right now, however we can gradually get closer and we are basically working on it.
"Larry Page"
Almost all major technology companies in the world have departments and parts that are researching or implementing artificial intelligence as a result. The business world, especially the technology industry, is full of artificial intelligence and machine learning. There has never been a better time to be in the world of artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence has reached a tipping point and is ready to revolutionize every industry.
Artificial intelligence can free humans from doing various repetitive tasks. This technology can learn a task once and repeat it as many times as the programmer wants. Artificial intelligence is not only a technology, but more a part of our daily life. Every day we see new developments in different fields of artificial intelligence from politics to economics. Powerful AI solutions and capabilities are rapidly developing, AI systems have the ability to understand and respond to human emotions. One type of AI that is quickly making its way into consumers' homes is voice assistants like Microsoft's Cortana.
We can divide artificial intelligence into three categories: weak artificial intelligence that can perform tasks such as weather forecasting, automation of food in universities, etc. We are currently at this stage. General artificial intelligence is able to do the same things that a human can do, and super artificial intelligence is able to do everything better than a human.
Advanced humanoid robots like Sophia embody people's dreams for the future of artificial intelligence. Sophia is also a framework for advanced robotics and artificial intelligence research, especially for understanding human-robot interactions. Sophia is marketed as a social robot that can perform human-like behaviors.
AI has changed the world in subtle but far-reaching ways in the past 10 years. In the next 10 years, AI will be more advanced than it was 50 years ago with countless programs in various fields. In the following, we describe some of the sectors that AI can transform to a great extent.
Computer systems with AI are widely used in medical sciences. Its common uses are: diagnosis of patients, improvement of communication between doctor and patient, remote treatment of patients and transcription of medical documents. Recently, advanced computer algorithms have achieved accuracies that are equal to human experts in the field of medical sciences. Gene therapies based on AI make it possible to treat certain types of cancer.
It will change the traditional school in the future. The right education and teaching method can make students' talents brighter, and on the contrary, wrong education can have disastrous consequences. In the case of education, AI tools based on machine learning can be used for various tasks such as monitoring student activity and creating models that accurately predict student outcomes. Artificial intelligence is replacing teachers and professors in a variety of online alternative programs. With the help of virtual reality, they can adapt the curriculum based on the preferences of each student.
The economic and financial situation of any country is directly related to its growth rate. Since AI is so powerful in every industry, it is of great importance to improve the economic health of the country. Artificial intelligence algorithm is currently used in the management of stock funds.
With the availability of technologies such as artificial intelligence, data has become the most valuable asset in a financial services organization. Now more than ever, banks are aware of the innovative and economical solutions that AI can offer and understand that asset size, while important, is no longer sufficient alone to build a successful business.
AI is well-suited to solving some of our most difficult problems, and cybersecurity certainly falls into this category. Artificial intelligence and machine learning automate threat detection and respond more effectively than traditional software methods. Undoubtedly, cyber security is the priority of any organization to ensure data security, there are some predictions that cyber security with artificial intelligence will change a lot, such as monitoring security incidents with artificial intelligence tools.
Transcendence looks at the implications of artificial intelligence - but are we taking AI seriously enough?
"Stephen Hawking"
Robots are defined as machines with automatic functions that perform a set of actions independently and perform tasks that are not usually performed by humans. Advances in artificial intelligence are helping robots more closely mimic human behavior. Robots that think more like humans can better understand the workforce. Robots increase economic growth and productivity and create new job opportunities for many people around the world.
It's certainly true that the rise of artificial intelligence and bots has the potential to seriously disrupt work, and in many cases it does. And people fear that they will lose their jobs as artificial intelligence becomes more and more widespread. But in reality, artificial intelligence creates new opportunities in different sectors.
Robots will not replace humans, but will make their jobs much more human. Difficult, humiliating, demanding, dangerous and boring jobs will be done by robots. The ultimate goal of artificial intelligence is for a machine to have human-like general intelligence. It is one of the most ambitious goals ever presented by science. It is comparable in difficulty to other great scientific goals such as discovering the structure of matter.
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